Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome, Lovely People


You have some how found your way to my blog, so I welcome you! Welcome Welcome Welcome! How you may have found this blog, I do not know, nor do I really care. This blog is more for my own purposes then for the enjoyment of anyone else. Though you probably will gain much enjoyment from reading the passages ahead. I created this blog in order to have a place to write my thoughts (not many, I'll give you that), stories, and ideas about life; a place for me to document the next year of my life as an AmeriCorps volunteer; a place for me to store recipes and resources from websites pertaining to social justice to tips on competitive running. And if you, anonymous reader, may feel so inclined, you may also post interesting thoughts, ideas, and resources that you enjoy. This is an ongoing list, if you will. A sort of pile of information and interesting things. Or perhaps a public diary? Well, whatever you call it, it is bound to be entertaining. You see, I have been told that I have no shame. I have also, as a 22 year old, often been compared to a small child. 22 going on sex. Sex is German for six. Ha, get it? Yes, my point exactly. Expect a lot of that...

Well, anyways. We will see how long this blog will last. I may be devoted to it; an addict to posting; a devoted blogger; a procrastinator introduced to a new form of procrastination; an addictive personality fatally introduced to a new drug. Thought more likely, I will at some point abandon this blog, leaving it victim to the infinite labyrinth of the world wide web. One of millions of sites that pops up when someone googles "How to Be Happy." A blog that someone may look through and disregard as a lame girls failed attempt at making her own thoughts appear more important then they really are. Because that is what a blog is, isn't it? A person with too much free time and too many unimportant thoughts. A blog is a half way attempted at making this persons thoughts mean something and then conveying these thoughts to the entire world because the entire world would not survive without them. Well I am boycotting important thoughts. These are my unimportant thoughts. The one moment in my life where I will be realistic rather then optimistic or idealistic. My thoughts are important to know one but myself. So I hope you find the forthcoming passages as unimportant as I do. And I hope that, in some deep, dark part of your mind, they entertain you. And in that deep dark part of your mind, you store these unimportant thoughts of mine. And occasionally when you encounter something unimportant or come to realize that your own thoughts may actually be unimportant, you think of the unimportant thoughts I lay down in this blog.

Alright, I know. Enough of my unimportant thoughts for now. Sometimes I have a tendency to go on and on, as I am right now. So I give you permission to stop reading when you deem appropriate.

For now, I leave you with an invitation from a poet who loved to have a good time and knew how to tell a good story. For that, Shel Silverstein, I thank you.


If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

So to you, anonymous reader, please come in. Just leave your judgments and preconceptions at the door. Oh, and please wipe your feet.

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