Saturday, August 28, 2010

Peeing on the side of the road

This post was started on Saturday evening and finish on Sunday morning.

So. Here I am. Sitting in NYC alone in my brothers room on a Saturday night. And for the first time since school has ended I feel so alone. I suppose that makes this a Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy type of post but I was actually hoping that coming here and writing to you, anonymous readers, would help me realize that I was in fact not as alone as I feel. You see, I was unsure about my trip to NYC in the first place. I was hesitant to leave Albany because I had been thoroughly enjoying my stay there thus far and I was going to miss what has become my now weekly bike trip to the Troy Farmers Market. I also did not want to spend what little money I have on what usually turns out to be an expensive NYC experience. And this in no way is the fault of my little brother. He was actually quite awesome and funded a lot of my experience. He also let me sleep in his bed while he slept on the (comfortable, he claimed) couch in his living room. If anything, I am glad I came to NY to at least visit him. He is quite, quite, quite awesome.

I suppose I was just in a bit of a slump this weekend. Not really sure why. Well, that's a lie. I have an idea why and it's actually a really stupid reason. Reasons for which I have told my friends before are things not to be upset over. So I suppose that makes me a hypocrite, which is even worse. Because I often have trouble controlling my feelings. I am one of those people whose feelings control me so once I'm in a slump for whatever reason, unless things turn out unexpectedly, I usually remain in said slump. But I think what it comes down to was the fact that I was unsure about my entire city trip to begin with and then the entire weekend preceded to be framed around this state of mind.

Honestly, it was not all bad, really. I suppose I should have enjoyed it a bit more. I went to Max Brennars for the first time, ate falafel, visited the transvestites, visited the Stonewall Bar, walked over to the Hudson and saw an awesome view of Jersey City, went to the farmers market in Union Square, went to Times Square and purchased a kinda cool (though probably fake and unoriginal) poster, walked around a bit, got some delicious roasted almonds, went to long island to visit the grandparents, parents, aunts/uncles and cousins, sat in Union Square and was included in some dudes really awesome freestyle rapping, and now here I am...Sunday morning typing to you, my dutiful anonymous readers. You see, a generally pretty awesome weekend. But I think I was just not in my New York City state of mind. Normally I really love the city. But this weekend, instead of loving the city, I missed Albany. Caaarrraazy.

Anyways. In my defense, I haven't really had a weekend to rest yet. This weekend NYC, last weekend, home for less then 24 hrs (which included leaving West Hartford at 6 AM in order to get to Albany on time for work), weekend before I went to Schenectady, weekend before that I had 2 friends come visit. Weekend before that, home. You see? Busy!

Alright, alright. I'm going to stop complaining. I'm going to stop feel bad for myself. Lets find something good in all of this. Lets see. The good. I love Albany. I love my life in Albany. I love my friends in Albany, my new job in Albany, my awesome apartment in Albany. And coming to NYC for the weekend made me realize that. It made me realize how much I really am enjoying post college life. It's not as bad in the real world a they make it seem, kids. In fact, its actually quite survivable and enjoyable. Even on severely limited income. This is my take away from the weekend. Along with $30 from my mom. So I suppose, all in all, it actually wasn't so bad. Although I do still feel a bit slumpy. But once I'm back in Albany, I'll be sure to look back at the great weekend I spent in NYC with my bro.

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