Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Quickie

Yo Yo Yiggady Yo! (If I might borrow that from Juno)

Well, its been a while and in light that revelation I have decided to provide you with a quickie just to keep you satisfied until I have a chance to write a much longer post. Thought knowing myself this may or may not actually end up being a short post.

Events of the past week or so have involved a lot of bike riding to and from Siena, biking to the farmers market, biking in general, purchasing a chain to make a bike lock, making said bike lock, admiring my awesome bike............

Have I done anything besides care for my bike this week? Well yes, but none of it has provided as much entertainment as the new bike obsession. I moved boxes. Lots of them. I went to a retreat at which I discussed my (non-existent) christian identity and how this related to my (currently almost non-existent) duties relating to students. I ate pecan pie at a food festival. Oh, and I was a passenger in a car that went upwards of 125 miles/hour (sorry mom, if you're reading this...I am alive and well...the car ride was quite awesome, thanks for asking).

That's about it, really. Most of the time I find some ways to keep my own self entertained (not in the way that you sick minds may be thinking...). Though the past few weeks have been oddly satisfying and fulfilling. We shall see how this continues.

Now the real reason I wanted to post today was because while at the retreat (at which I discovered my non existent christian) I productively created a list of things I wanted to accomplish this year. I also created a logo for the coop/bakery/food pantry/community kitchen I am going to open, but I'll leave that for another post. Some of the goals are lame and effortless and will take all of a few minutes. Others will take months of preparation and effort. But rather then prep you for what they are I think its better to just throw them right at you! So, in no particlar order, here they are:

1. Learn Harmonica
2. Start biking
3. Bike More (and sweat more)
4. Eat more local/fair trade/organic
5. Blog (obviously have not completed this one yet)
6. Do more crafty projects (like make bracelets)
7. Run a half marathon
8. Do more photography
9. Learn more about film and Polaroid photography
10. Read more news
11. Be more sustainable
12. Learn
13. Read the pile of books I have had since freshman year of college
14. Learn how to drive stick
15. Study and take the GRE's (and or GMATS)
16. Figure out how to start my bakery
17. Learn to play guitar
18. Write more
19. Read more poetry
20. Stare at the sky at night and watch the clouds during the day

This is an ongoing list so it may be edited an anytime without notice. Sorry. I also plan on putting these up on my apartment wall next to the list of goals Michael made for the apartment.

Anywaayysss. I told you this would be a short post turned long post, did I not? Not unlike the extremely long and thick bratwurst I lay eyes on at the international food festival that somewhat resembled a part of the male anatomy. Though I'm not sure how my post could qualify as being thick. Yup. Well, keeping in the theme of Juno we have going on, I say a farewell with this quote:

"That ain' no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did homeskillet."

Thank you, Dwight from the office, for those wise words. The mean more then you know.

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